Backcountry Happenings on April 7/2024

Good Morning! “You know… Living in the country ain’t always easy, but it’s worth it. It’s a life filled with meaning, purpose, and a deep connection to the land. And in the end, isn’t that what really matters?”

Looks like we’re in for another sunny spell out here in cottage country, just right for getting some work done outdoors. We also had a nice visit yesterday, from Donna, a good friend of ours. We all sat down for a nice chat over a cup of tea, then went about our usual business. Makes our day when folks drop by.

Highway 522 is still busy with new folks roaming around our area taking in the sights. You could say newcomers: They’re like tumbleweeds, just with more cameras.

Bug Report; Yep, it’s that time of year again. The black flies are out in full force, and they will continue to bother folks right up until Father’s Day.

On another note, yesterday my lovely wife and I got a lot done outside in spite of the black flies, which made us happy. Today will be much the same, working up gardens, along with moving some plants that have over grown to other gardens. It’s a never ending cycle. But we enjoy it.

Living in the country: “Here in the north, simplicity isn’t just a choice, it’s a survival strategy. When you’re living off the land in the middle of nowhere, you learn to appreciate the little things… the crackle of a warm fire, the taste of freshly caught fish, the sight of a moose/deer wandering through your backyard. And you learn to laugh at the absurdity of it all, because let’s face it, life in the wilderness is one big adventure.”

With that, I am off for my morning breakfast that my lovely wife had prepared for me… an egg on an English muffin. After that, I will see what the day has in store… other than what I have planned.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this: Life here in the country isn’t just about what you can take from the land, but what you can give back. It’s about stewardship, about leaving this earth better than we found it, and my wife and I are continually doing that with each passing day.

Fishing Times For Tuesday

Major Times
11:49 AM-1:49 PM

Minor Times
4:56 AM-5:56 AM
7:59 PM-8:59 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 4-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few today. Good Luck!

Fishing Tip of the Day: If you’re not catching anything, don’t be afraid to switch things. Change your bait, your technique, your spot. Keep ’em guessing, and you’ll eventually put fish on the table at the end of the day.

Morning Moments on May 6/2024

Good Morning! “You know… over the years I have found that living here in the country, time moves at its own pace, like a slow winding river. And just like that river, it carves its own path, teaching us to go with the flow and appreciate the journey.”

It’s a sunny morning here in the north, and the temperature has warmed up some from yesterday. However, we did have a frost overnight, as looking out at the roof on my old woodworking shop it’s all white. The temperature waking up was sitting at 9.6 C | 49.28 F with the wind coming in from the NW.

Highway 522 has picked up these days, with lots of new faces and vehicles around town. Seems like every city slicker with a GPS and a Tim Hortons Addiction decided to take a joyride through our neck of the woods. But hey, ain’t no harm with a few new faces… as it keeps the local gossip-mill churning!

On another note yesterday being that it was a cool day I decided to write up a couple more stories for my newspaper columns. It was a good day for writing. Amazing how the mind works, some days the words just dance on the page, and other times, you’re scratching your head for inspiration? Ah well, that’s just how the mind works.

Today I am planning, I say planning, to clean up my shop as with all the work we have been doing outside… it’s a mess. My wife she calls me a messy Marvin, and truth be told, I reckon she’s got a point there.

Wisdom I Learned Over The Years: “They say home is where the heart is, and for me, it’s always been the countryside. There’s a deep connection to the land and a sense of belonging that can’t be found elsewhere. No matter where life takes me, I’ll always carry the lessons learned from this humble way of life.”

With that, I am off for my breakfast that my lovely wife has prepared for me and will then gather my things, and head out, ready to tackle whatever challenges or adventures await. I never know, really.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this bit of wisdom I have learned over the years: “In all my years on this land, I’ve learned that every seed we sow carries the hope of tomorrow. It’s a reminder that our work isn’t just for today, but for the generations yet to come.”

Fishing Times for Monday

Major Times
10:56 AM-12:56 PM

Minor Times
4:33 AM-5:33 AM
6:35 PM-7:35 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 4-star rating out of 5 for catching a few today. Good Luck!

Fishing Tip of The Day: Talk to the fish. Seriously! Over the years, I have found that whispering sweet nothing’s to the fish can coax them into biting. Give it a try and see if they’re listening. “You might be surprised by the outcome!

Cabbage Roll Supper Hot Out Of The Oven!

Well, tonight’s supper was a real delight – the missus surprised me with her homemade cabbage rolls. Let me tell ya, there ain’t nothing quite like them. The smell of them cooking’ brought me back to the good ol’ days, sittin’ a’round the table with family. Each bite was like a trip down memory lane, filling me up with warmth and good feelings. Life is rough around here. But with cabbage rolls like these, I reckon we’ll make it through just fine – as long as the missus keeps cookin’ ’em up, that is!

Click on image to enlarge!

Coffee and Countryside Thoughts on May 4/2024

Good Morning! “You know, living in the country isn’t for everyone. But for those of us who call it home, there isn’t any place we’d rather be. It’s a way of life… simple, honest, and filled with the kind of beauty that city folks can only dream of.”

We are in the midst of some sunshine here in cottage country, which is sure nice to see. However, we did have a wee bit yesterday and the rain did hold off, which in turn made it so we could get a lot done. For most parts I worked away installing the new Pond Water Wheel I made, I still have lots to do, but it’s coming along, and I suspect if things goes to plan by tomorrow evening, it should be up and running. We will see how that pans out. My wife’s been busy in the flower gardens, getting rid of weeds, fixing up the soil, adding compost, and doing a bunch of other stuff. So yeah, we’ve both been pretty occupied.

Today my wife and I will continue on, and being that the weather is so nice, we are going to quite a bit early so we can do some front porch sittin’ and take in all that we have accomplished over the past week or so. What’s the sense in doing these things if you’re not going to take the time to enjoy them.

Highway 522 traffic wise is picking up faster than mosquitoes at a lakeside barbecue! We’ve got tourists from the city, cottage owners towing boats and trailers, and probably a few lost souls wondering if they took a wrong turn. And guess what? It’s only going to get crazier in the coming weeks! Which is normal for our area.

On another note, the Black Flies are starting to make their grand entrance, and let me tell you, they were/are already starting to irritate my wife and me while we were working outside yesterday. It’s like they have a sixth sense for finding the perfect moment to ruin a perfectly good day. And if past-experience is anything to go by, they’re only going to get worse as the days go by, right up until Father’s Day rolls around.

But hey, every cloud has a silver lining, right? Despite the annoyance, there’s a whole orchestra of birds out there who seem to be having a grand old time snacking on these pesky critters. And just when you think you can’t take it anymore, the dragonflies will swoop in like knights in shining armor, putting an end to the Black Fly reign of terror faster than you can say “bug spray.” So, hang in there, folks. Relief is on the wing!

Wisdom I Learned Over The Years: “Folks these days are always looking for the next big thing, the greener pasture on the other side of the fence. But out here in the country, we know that the grass ain’t always greener… it’s what you make of it that counts. I’ve learned to find joy in the simple things, the smell of fresh-cut grass, the sight of a hawk circling overhead, the warmth of a homemade pie, or a drink or two, shared with good company. It’s the little moments that make life worth livin’.”

With that I am off for my breakfast that my lovely wife has made for me, and will then see if I can get some more work completed outside. However, looking outside, fog has rolled in caused by the warmer temperature hitting the colder temperature. It will clear up in a bit, and it will be a lot warmer than it was yesterday.

You all have a great day and I will leave you with this: “Life is a gamble… there’s no two ways about it. But if you’re willing to take the risk, to roll the dice and see where they land, the rewards can be mighty sweet. Just remember… sometimes you have to lose a few hands to win the pot.”

Fishing Times For Saturday

Major Times
9:16 AM-11:16 AM
9:41 PM-11:41 PM

Minor Times
3:54 AM-4:54 AM
3:50 PM-4:50 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 2-star rating out of for catching a few. Good Luck!

Fishing Tip of The Day: “Keep an eye on the moon phases. I have found over the years that by fishing when the moon’s full… or new, it seems to stir up the water and gets them fish biting.” GW

A Morning in the Countryside on May 3/2024

Good Morning! You know, living in the country ain’t about rushing from one thing to the next. It’s about taking the time to listen to the land, learn from her ways, and let her guide you in her own sweet time.

It’s a cloudy Friday morning here in Cottage country. And by the looks of things we could see some more rain, and possibly a bit of thunder later on in the day, caused by some warmer weather moving into our area. So… I am not too sure how much work I will get done outside today. But you never know.

Yesterday my wife and I worked the day away mowing our grass for the first time, and then after lunch we planted a couple more fruit trees. I also had time to put on a coat of dormant oil, as they weren’t out in bud yet. Which should help them throughout the year. While I was working away on that, my lovely wife was busy working up her gardens removing grass, weeds and things. At the end of the day, our property was looking pettier than a park, and we both took a few minutes to do some front porch sittin’ taking it all in, while enjoying a cool drink. Makes a couple feel mighty fine knowing the day wasn’t wasted.

Today, weather permitting, I am planning on setting up the new water-wheel I made a few weeks ago, and if time I will install the new pump we bought that will draw the water from the pond and turn the wheel, we will see how it works out. Should be a fun project, I would think. If things don’t work out I will head on out to my woodworking shop and clean it up a bit, as after making a new bench that is now sitting out by our fishpond, well, let’s just say… it’s a bit messy. Again we will have to see what takes place weather wise. But no matter what, it seems there is always something to do.

Highway 522 actually was somewhat busy yesterday with folks moving up and down the highway. Had me scratching my head, wondering where they were hightailin’ it to. Maybe they think there’s gold in them there hills, or they’re just running from their own shadows. One never knows in this neck of the woods.

Wisdom I have learned: “I found that there’s a rhythm to farming, a harmony with nature, that comes from years of tilling the soil. You learn to dance to that rhythm, or you don’t last long.”

With that I am off for my morning breakfast that my little woman has prepared for me, and will then see what the day has to offer. Life is a mystery. Just the way I like it.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this: “You know, one thing is for certain, I’ve learned a thing or two about gardening over the years. Mainly, if you talk to your plants, they tend to grow better. But in saying that, don’t expect them to talk back. That’s when you know you’ve been out in the sun too long.”

Fishing Times for Friday

Major Times
8:26 AM-10:26 AM
8:51 PM-10:51 PM

Minor Times
3:34 AM-4:34 AM
2:29 PM-3:29 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 3-Star Rating out of for catching a few. Good Luck!

Fishing tip of the day: “Forget fancy lures and shiny gadgets. Sometimes, all you need is a simple hook, line, and bait. Keep it basic, keep it natural, and you might be surprised at the results.” GW

Living Well Off the Beaten Path on May 2/2024

Good Morning! A new day has started, which means it’s time to get moving. Nature’s already hard at work, so we better be too.

It’s a bit cloudy here in cottage country this morning, but in saying that things should warm up a wee bit, and we should also see some sunshine off and on. Which my wife and I are looking forward too; as we have been missing our front porch sittin’ times together. But first we are going to wake up our lawn mowers after their winter’s nap, and see how they are working. After a long winter, when it comes to equipment, one never knows how they are going to react. Especially my old Roper Riding mower. It was almost on its last legs when we finished mowing last year. I got my fingers crossed.

After the mowing is completed and the weed eating around the house and things is done, along with having our lunch, we will carry out the new two-seater bench I made last week, and set it beside our fishpond. I have to say it turned out pretty darn nice. After that, I will get to putting some dormant spray on our apple and pear trees before it’s too late, and then if things goes to plan, we will get our lawn chairs out of hibernation and set them on our front porch and relax. So that’s our day, what have you all got planned?

On another note, my wife and I took a trip to town yesterday to pick up a few things, along with some goldfish for our new pond. Actually, we got a pretty good deal and brought home fifteen of them. I checked this morning while feeding the birds, and they seem to be enjoying their new home. But they have some growing to do, as they are only about an inch long. Now we have to go out and pick up a lily–pad or two and some water grass, and after I install the new water wheel and things the pond will be complete. I think, as well… my lovely wife is always changing things… all for the better of course.

After we picked up the things we needed we headed on home, taking in nature as we drove along chatting about all kinds of things. It seems even after fifty some years we still have lots to talk about.

Highway 522 is picking up traffic wise a wee bit these days, and it will get a lot busier as the days warm up with tourists and cottagers entering into the picture.

With that, I am off for a bowl of organic cereal, and will then see if our mowers and weed eater will run. You just never know.

You all have a great day and I will leave you with this bit of wisdom I learned over the years: “At the end of the day, when the work is done and the sun dips below the horizon, there’s a satisfaction that comes from knowing that you’ve done your best, that you’ve honored the land, and that you’ve lived a life worth living.”

Fishing Times for Thursday

Major Times
7:35 AM-9:35 AM
8:01 PM-10:01 PM

Minor Times
3:12 AM-4:12 AM
1:09 PM-2:09 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 2-Star rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Fishing Tip of The Day: “Take a good look at them bugs buzzing around the water. Match your bait to what the fish are eating, and you’ll be in for a good day’s catch. It’s all about foolin’ them.” GW

Voices while alone or in the Dark

I was reading an article today that certain professionals, or so they call themselves, are saying that if you are hearing things when alone, that you have a problem and need to be looked at or in other words… go for help.

My opinion is... that It’s fascinating how our perceptions can be colored by our surroundings. When we hear our name whispered from the depths of a secluded forest, it’s easy to wonder if something otherworldly is at play. But before jumping to conclusions, it’s essential to consider all possibilities. While some may rush to label such experiences as symptoms of mental distress, perhaps there’s more to it than meets the eye. After all, who’s to say that the whispers echoing through the trees aren’t just the forest itself speaking to us in its own mysterious language? I also believe that exploring the boundaries between the known and the unknown can lead to a deeper understanding of the world around us, and perhaps even uncover truths that defy conventional explanations. So, the next time you hear a voice calling out from the shadows, maybe take a moment to listen… to truly listen and see where it leads you.

Finding Peace Beyond the City on April 29/2024

Good Morning: “In the hustle and bustle of city life, it’s easy to forget what truly matters. But out here in the country where my wife and I live, We found that it’s the little things that make life rich.”

It’s a rainy morning here, waking up in cottage country. Now, I’m not gonna lie, rain can be a double-edged sword. Too much of it, and we’re dealing with flooded fields and soggy boots. But when it comes in just the right amount, it’s a game-changer. It saves us from hauling out the pails and spending hours watering our plants and crops. Instead, we get to sit back and watch as Mother Nature does her thing, nourishing the earth in her own sweet time. And yes, as I have occasionally said, she over does it, at least through human eyes.

Yesterday, I spent the whole day in my workshop, working away at a new bench I’m putting together. It’s coming along nicely, if I do say so myself. With a bit of luck and elbow grease today, I should have her finished up just in time: as the rain’s been pouring down outside, but I ain’t minding it one bit, as it gives me an excuse to tinker away indoors. And it looks like it’ll clear up soon, which suits me fine, as my little woman has been eager to place that bench by our new fishpond. Saying it’ll be a fine spot to sit and enjoy a drink or two, taking in the fruits of our labor, so to speak.

I’ve always believed there’s a special satisfaction in making something with your own two hands. When you can’t buy what you want, well, you roll up your sleeves and get to work. There’s pride in seeing something you’ve crafted with care sitting in your own backyard. It’s been that way all my life.

Wisdom I have learned: “In the hustle and bustle of city life, folks are always in a rush, chasin’ after this and that. But out here in the country, we take things slow. We know that good things take time to grow… whether it’s a crop in the field or a friendship that spans generations. It’s a lesson I’ve learned time and time again: patience ain’t just a virtue, it’s a way of life.”

With that I am off for a bowl of cereal that my lovely wife is making for me and will then get to work.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this: “In my years working the land, I’ve learned that patience is not just a virtue… it’s a way of life. The earth moves at its own pace, and it’s our job to listen, to watch, and to wait for the right moment to sow the seeds of tomorrow.”

Fishing Times for Monday

Major Times
4:48 AM-6:48 AM
5:17 PM-7:17 PM

Minor Times
1:24 AM-2:24 AM
9:14 AM-10:14 AM

Day Rating: I give it a 2-Star Rating for catching a few. Good luck and don’t forget your raincoat!

Fishing tip of the day: “Early bird gets the worm, they say. The same goes for fishing. Head out at dawn or dusk, when the fish are stirring, and you’ll fill your bucket in no time. They eat when you eat.”

Countryside Happenings on April 28/2024

Good Morning! ” It’s time to grab life by the horns and make the most of every moment, because you never know what the day’s got in store.

It’s another cloudy morning here in cottage country, and we did have a touch of rain through the night. Not as much as the specialists predicted, but enough to give the plants and things a good drink, and along with that it cleaned things up around the fishpond my wife and I made a couple of days back.

Highway 522 was a bit quieter yesterday, it seemed like everyone had taken care of their errands. I expect things to get busier again soon once it warms up. However, given the high gas prices lately, many people might think twice about traveling or spending money. Right now, the smart folks are being cautious with their finances, making sure they spend wisely. Taxing people to death as they are doing these days, only makes people start hoarding, truth told raising taxes doesn’t work, never has, never will.

On another note, yesterday I worked the day away in my woodworking shop building a new garden bench we want to put by our new fishpond. It’s coming along, but still lots to do. Today I will carry on.

I remember the lady that raised me one time saying: “I’m not one for fancy words or big speeches, but let me tell you this: there’s a peace to be found in the quiet of the countryside, a kind of stillness that soothes the soul. It’s a place where time moves slow and troubles seem to melt away like dew in the morning sun. It’s a place where you can be yourself, where you can find your roots and grow tall and strong like the oak trees that line the horizon. It’s a place called home.”

With that I am off for my breakfast that my lovely wife is making for me, reminds me of the value in taking time for the little things, even on the busiest days. After that, I will then head on out to the old woodworking shop.

You all have a great day and I will leave you this: “Living in the country isn’t always easy – the winters are long, the days are hard, and the work is never done. But there’s a beauty in the struggle, a satisfaction in the work, and a peace that comes from knowing you’re exactly where you’re meant to be.

Fishing Times For Sunday

Major Times
3:50 AM-5:50 AM
4:19 PM-6:19 PM

Minor Times
12:27 AM-1:27 AM
8:10 AM-9:10 AM

Day Rating: I give it a 2-star rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Fishing Tip of The Day: I found that fish love a good hiding spot. Cast near fallen trees, underwater plants, or around them rocky nooks. That’s where the big ones like to hang out. GW

Getting It Right in Canada


Some have asked: “George, what do you think of all the immigrants that are coming into Canada these days.”

Alright, let’s cut to the chase. I ain’t against folks moving to Canada. Done right, it can make our country more lively and boost our economy. But it seems like we’re letting in more people than we can handle right now, and that’s a problem.

Think about it like a fishpond, yea I know I just build one, but it’s a good example for what I am going to say. If you cram too many fish into it, there ain’t enough grub for everyone. Same for our country. If we let in too many folks all at once, there won’t be enough jobs, houses, and services for everyone.

Another thing that’s been bugging me is how folks from other lands want to live like they did back home. Now, I’m all for holding onto your roots, but you have to respect the way we do things here in Canada. If you’re going to live here, you have to play by our rules. Simple as that.

Now, the issues I’m talking about are as clear as day. It’s like a big blank wall staring you in the face. But it seems like nobody’s seeing it. If we don’t sort this out, it could lead to some serious trouble down the line. History tells us that too many people coming in all at once can stir up a hornet’s nest. We don’t want that.

And let’s not forget about the role of our elected officials. Sometimes it might seem like their main goal is to win the next election, and bringing in more people can seem like a good way to do that. Now, I understand that politics is a tough game and getting votes is part of the job. But it’s important to remember that the real aim should be making decisions that are best for all of Canada, both old-timers and newcomers.

So, what’s the solution? Well, we can’t just shut our doors. That ain’t the Canadian way. But we have to make sure we’re letting in the right amount of people, and that they’re willing to fit into our way of life. It ain’t rocket science, it’s just common sense.

In short, it’s time we take a good hard look at immigration. We have to make sure we’re doing it right, so we can keep Canada the great country it is. Let’s not wait till it’s too late. We need to fix what needs fixing, and keep Canada a place we’re all proud to call home.

That’s my view on the subject.

Living Simply in the Country on April 27/2024

Good morning! Where the best conversations happen over a cup of coffee on the porch, and the best advice is passed down from generation to generation.”

It’s a cloudy morning, starting things off here in cottage country. We could see a few showers off and on throughout the day, with some heavier rain starting this evening and through the night. The good news is it has warmed up some, with the temperature getting out of bed sitting at 11 C | 51.8 F.

Highway 522 traffic wise has picked up a lot with folks rolling in from the big cities. Although, we have had an influx of new folks buying homes in our area over the past few years. A lot are getting out of the cities these days, and I can’t say I blame them. I just hope we don’t get over run with people, as the peace and quiet is why we moved here many years ago. But it is what it is.

Wisdom Learned: While growing up on the farm, I learned to live in harmony with nature, listening to the whispers of the wind and the stories the trees and plants tell. There’s a rhythm to life that city folks might never understand, a rhythm that beats in time with the seasons and the cycles of the moon.

On another note: My wife and I finished up our fishpond, putting a tidy edge around it, planted a heap of greenery, and now we are all set for the rain to bed them in. Along with sprucing up our lawn a bit as it was trampled down a bit from the work we have been doing. Now, I’ve got that water wheel to finish, and the new pump to install. Still a few odds and ends left, but we’re getting there. It’s all about time and patience. Comes with age, I reckon. The missus and I have learned that over the years.

Since the weather’s not great today, I’m going to focus on finishing up that garden bench I started a few days ago. It’s a bit tricky, but once it’s done, my wife and I will enjoy sitting on it by our new fishpond. Hearing the waterwheel and seeing all our hard work will be really nice.

With that I am off for my morning bowl of porridge that my lovely wife is making for me and will then see how much sawdust I can make in my woodworking shop.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this: “Out here in the country, every sunrise is a reminder that yesterday’s troubles are just shadows in the rearview mirror. With each dawn, we’re given a fresh start, a new chance to make things right, and a world of possibilities waiting just beyond the horizon.”

Fishing Times for Saturday

Major Times
2:53 AM-4:53 AM
3:21 PM-5:21 PM

Minor Times
7:20 AM-8:20 AM

Day Rating: I give it a 1-star rating out of for catching a few. Good Luck!

Fishing Tip of The Day: Being a writer in part I have always said: “Write it down. Every trip, every catch, every detail. Soon enough, you’ll start seeing patterns emerge. Makes it easier to know where them fish are hiding.”

Countryside Conversations on April 26/2024

Good Morning! Another sunrise means another chance to make hay while the sun shines and enjoy the simple pleasures of country living.

Here in cottage country this morning, we’ve got a bit of a mixed bag. The sun’s shining bright, but there’s still a thick frost hanging around. It seems like the plants, trees, and whatnot are having a tough time deciding whether they want to start growing or not this year. But you know? They always seem to make out okay, no matter what Mother Nature throws their way.

Some of them, like that white lilac by our house and those flowering crab apple trees, they’re starting to show some signs of life. The regular apple and pear trees are taking their time, which is a good thing.

The tulips are almost ready to burst, and the daffodils? Well, they’re already in full bloom. Just a few days back, I picked a couple for my lovely wife. They sure do smell and look nice. And here’s a neat trick: snap one off about halfway down the stem, stick it in a cup of water, and it’ll stay fresh for over a week. Pretty amazing, huh? Every time my wife and I catch sight of them, it brings a smile to our faces.

Highway 522 has picked up a lot lately with traffic, not sure where they are all coming from, but they are out there. Which is normal for this time of year heading into May. You wouldn’t know it, though, weather wise, as some days are more like fall than spring. But it will warm up soon enough. I have always said to my little woman, that: Highway 522 isn’t just a strip of asphalt… it’s a gateway to adventure, a winding path that leads to hidden fishing spots, secret swimming holes, and endless acres of unexplored wilderness. Hard to find highways like that anymore. I hope it always remains that way.

On another note, my wife and I decided to dig our fishpond a touch larger yesterday, which we did. First, though, we laid out the liner we bought, and let it warm up in the sun. Makes it easier to handle being so thick and all. Once we had the pond the size, and shape we wanted, we installed the liner. At the end of the day, things were looking mighty fine. Today, being that it is going to be nice, weather wise, we will continue on making things look even nicer. It sure is nice to be able to do these things. I enjoy working alongside my wife.

With that, I am now going to start the day with a bowl of porridge made by my better half. Not to forget our chat and a cup of hot cocoa. Simple pleasures make the best mornings.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with these few words that my old friend Grey Wolf used to say many years ago: “In the country, every tree has a story, every river has a song, and every mountain holds a secret. It’s where I feel most alive, most connected to my ancestors, and most at peace.” I sure do miss that old feller.

Fishing Times For Friday

Major Times
2:00 AM-4:00 AM
2:26 PM-4:26 PM

Minor Times
6:41 AM-7:41 AM
11:21 PM-12:21 AM

Day Rating: I give it a 4-star rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Fishing tip of the day: “It isn’t just about dragging your line behind the boat. Mix it up, change your speed, your depth, your lure. Keep ’em guessing, and you’ll reel ’em in.” GW

Life’s Happenings in the Country on April 25/2024

Good Morning! “Where the to-do list is long, but the joy of living in the country makes every task/job a pleasure.”

It’s a sunny morning waking up here in cottage country. However, it is a touch cool with the grass covered with frost. The temperature waking up was sitting at -1 C | 30.2 F. It will warm up considerably as the day moves forward, and tomorrow even warmer. Front porch sittin’ weather for sure!

So knowing that my wife and I will get to working outside on our fishpond, that we have in the works. I would like to get the liner installed today if possible. The thing is it has to be warm enough, as the liner is thick and hard to move around. So it needs to be laid out in the sunshine for a bit, to soften things up before we can install it. But once all said and done, it will be a nice-added feature to our property.

Highway 522 is as dry as Granny’s biscuits on a Sunday morning. However, there are a few cars moving around this morning, mostly locals taking in what is happening around town. Just your normal day occurrence, as it is with most small towns. And you can’t forget the gossip, it’s hotter than a skillet on a stove. By the time the rooster crows, everybody knows who’s been stirring the pot. Oh! And Granny’s biscuits weren’t all that dry if you added some fresh churned butter on top of them.

On another note, yesterday I worked the day away in our woodworking shop on a new bench that we will put out by our new fishpond. It’s taking a bit of work, but it will be nice when all finished up. There is always something going on around our home.

Wisdom I have learned: “There’s a story in every sunrise and a lesson in every sunset. Living in the country most of my life, I have learned to read the sky like a book, to know when rain’s a-coming or when a frost is on its way. It’s a kind of wisdom you can’t learn from books or fancy schools—it’s written in the land itself, in the whisper of the wind and the song of the birds. And if you listen close enough, you’ll hear it too!”

With that I am off for my morning breakfast that my lovely wife is making for me, or should say, has made for me, and will then get to doing something, that is after we have our morning chat while enjoying a hot cup of cocoa. It’s the secret to a long marriage, amongst other things.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this: “In the country, we are not separate from nature; we are a part of it. To live in harmony with the land is to honor our ancestors and preserve the legacy for future generations.”

Fishing Times For Thursday

Major Times
1:11 AM-3:11 AM
1:35 PM-3:35 PM

Minor Times
6:12 AM-7:12 AM
10:10 PM-11:10 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 4-Star rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Fishing Tip of the Day: “Fish can smell ya coming a mile away. Move slow, talk quiet, and don’t go stomping around like a bull in a china shop. Sneak up on ’em, and you’ll have better luck.”

Waking Up to Country Living on April 24/2024

Good Morning! Where the only rush we know is the wind through the trees and the river flowing over the rocks’

It’s a cold morning here in cottage country with wind coming in from the north and the temperature sitting at -5.8 C | 21.56 F. And on top of that there are a lot of clouds blocking our sunshine. We could see some breaks in the clouds though, as the day progresses, and it will warm up a wee bit. Tomorrow, things will start to warm up even more, to where a fellow feels like doing some work outside. And my wife and I have a lot to do.

Yesterday I worked the day away, writing up a couple stories for my columns in newspapers I write for, and today I might carry on. I will see how that goes after I have my breakfast. I have to be in the right frame of mind it seems for the words to flow as they should.

Highway 522 is still very quiet with the cold, rainy weather, folks are staying home in the cities, not wanting to waste the money going to places they can’t enjoy or afford. And I can’t say I blame them with the price of the gas nowadays, since they added more carbon tax onto it. In all my days, I never saw such a thing till now. It used to be you could fill up the truck without wincing, but now it’s like handing over your hard-earned cash for a slap in the face. Heck, we’re just trying to make a living out here, putting food on the table for our families. But with all these extra taxes, it’s like we’re fighting an uphill battle just to break even. And what’s it all for? You know, they keep saying this carbon tax is all about saving the planet, but there are a lot smarter ways to do it than just taking more money from us regular folks. Those fancy suits making all these decisions, they ain’t the ones feeling the squeeze when they gas up their fancy cars. Not to forget how they keep giving themselves fat pay raises, and for what? It’s been a mystery for years.

Sorry, got a bit off track there. But seriously, it’s frustrating seeing our hard-earned cash disappearing faster than water down a drain, all in the name of some vague environmental cause. We’re just trying to make ends meet here, and it feels like we’re the ones getting the short end of the stick every time.

Wisdom Learned: “I remember one time when Bessie decided she’d had enough of the milking’ stool and took off running like a bat outta hell! Had me chasing her all around the pasture, swearing up a storm. But you know what? It taught me a valuable lesson: sometimes you have to let go and let the cow do the running. Life’s too short to be chasing after things you can’t control!”

With that bit of information, I am off for my morning bowl of porridge that my lovely wife is making for me, which seems to get me ready to take on whatever challenges come my way!

You all have a great day and I will leave you with this: “They say you can take the boy out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the boy… and honestly, why would you want to? There’s no place like home, especially when home is surrounded by fields and forests as far as the eye can see.”

Fishing Times For Wednesday

Major Times
12:25 AM-2:25 AM
12:47 PM-2:47 PM

Minor Times
5:49 AM-6:49 AM
8:59 PM-9:59 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 5-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Great day for fishing, but you might need a warm coat. Good Luck!

Fishing Tip and Lore For The Day. “Back in my day, we’d sit by the fire and tie our own flies, using feathers, fur, and threads. There’s something about them homemade flies that drives the fish wild.” GW

Tales from the Wide Open Spaces Here in the North on April 23/2024

Good Morning. Where the only deadlines my wife and I have to worry about are the ones set by the seasons, and the only schedules we keep are dictated by the rhythm of nature.

It’s another cloudy day here in cottage country, and by the looks of things the clouds will remain with us for most of the day. And with those clouds we could see some more showers off and on.

Yesterday was a busy day for my wife and I as we headed on into North Bay to pick up some supplies and things. We had a good trip there and back, taking in what nature had to offer. It seems that no matter how many times we have made the trip, there is always something new to see. That’s the nice thing about living where we do. Although years ago I did enjoy our farms, and I have to say I miss them in a round about way. In other words, I miss the farms themselves, but don’t miss the politics that went with the farms. More so today.

Today being a bit cool and such, I am thinking I will write up a couple more stories for my newspaper columns, which should keep me busy for most of the day. Tomorrow however, with the sunshine returning, maybe my lovely wife and I will be able to do some work on our new fishpond we dug a couple of weeks ago. We will see how that turns out. It all depends on what Mother Nature has in store. She is, or has been, a might testing the past few weeks. But I suspect she has her reasons.

Folks always ask me, ‘What’s the secret to a happy life, old timer?’ And I tell them, “Well, it’s like trying to catch a newborn calf that has been let out of the barn on its own, for the first time—you have to be quick on your feet and ready for anything! But seriously, I believe it’s about finding joy in the simple things, taking time to smell the roses, and sharing a good laugh with friends and family. Because at the end of the day, it ain’t the size of your barn/house that matters—it’s the size of your smile.”

With that, I am off for my morning bowl of porridge that my little woman is making for me, and will then see what the day has in store, other than I have planned.

You all have a great day and I will leave you with this: “Here in the country, the only thing that moves faster than the seasons is the gossip – but hey, what’s life without a little chatter now and then?”

Fishing Times For Tuesday

Major Times
12:03 PM-2:03 PM

Minor Times
5:31 AM-6:31 AM
7:48 PM-8:48 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 4-star rating out of for catching a few. Good Luck!

Fishing Tip of The Day: Fish around natural cover such as fallen trees, submerged vegetation, and rocky outcrops. These areas provide shelter and ambush points for fish, making them prime feeding locations. GW

Life Beyond the City’s Clamor on April 21/2024

Good Morning! Time to embrace the peace and quiet of country living, where the only sirens we hear are from the distant call of the wild.

We are waking up to some sunshine here in cottage country. And it sure is nice to see, and feel for that matter.

Highway 522 is bare and dry, which will make traveling good today, and truth told it should remain that way now for the rest of the summer. Let’s hope so. How to tell when the tourists are here, well you can tell when someone’s not from around here when they actually use their turn signal.

On another note, I worked the day away yesterday in my woodworking shop on the new waterwheel I am making for our new fishpond. I have to say I made some pretty good headway, and today I should be able to finish it.

I have always said: “When the barn door’s open, the animals roam free. The same goes for opportunities. Keep your eyes open and seize ’em when they come.”

With that, I am off for a bagel this morning with some honey and cream cheese that my lovely wife is making for me, and will then head on out to my shop.

You all have a great day and I will leave you with this: “In the country, time moves a little slower, and the stories run a little deeper – where every wrinkle tells a tale and every creak in the floorboard echoes with the laughter of generations past.”

Fishing Times for Sunday

Major Times
10:43 AM-12:43 PM

Minor Times
5:01 AM-6:01 AM
5:36 PM-6:36 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 3-Star Rating for catching a few today. Good Luck!

Fishing Tip of the Day: Experiment with different trolling speeds, depths, and lure colors to find the most effective combination. Vary your trolling patterns until you find a setup that consistently produces bites.

Humor, Wisdom and Northern Living on April 20/2024

Good Morning! Where the only rush we know is trying to beat the sunset to get the laundry off the line before the dew sets in – talk about living life in the fast lane!

We are all waking up to some sunshine here in the north. The robins are listening for worms, the crackles, sparrows, nuthatches, finches, morning-doves, cow birds, starlings, and the crows all greeted me as I walked to my woodworking shop. Sure nice to see. Some even sit on my hand occasionally. I even spotted a butterfly looking for some flowers, finally settling for some snowdrops in one of our gardens. Pretty hard to top that, for a warm morning greeting.

Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning for those having to do some shopping in the cities. You know, they say good things come to those who wait, and on Highway 522, we’ve got all the time in the world. So what if it takes a little longer to get from point A to point B? It just gives my lovely wife and I more time to enjoy the ride.

On a different topic, yesterday, I spent the entire day in my woodworking shop making the new water wheel for our fishpond. It’s quite a challenging project, but I made some good progress. If things continue as they did yesterday, I should have it completed by tomorrow. Then, once the weather warms up a bit, my wife and I will install the new pond liner. After that, my wife will apply her landscaping design skills. Over the years, she’s created many beautiful gardens for homes. I’ve lost count of how many she’s done, but the ones we worked on together years ago most still look good today.

Today, I’ll be continuing my work in the shop, while my wife tackles washing day with our new machine. The old Sears washer we had served us faithfully for over 40 years. I doubt these newer models will live that long, but only time will tell. My wife has a habit of chatting with household appliances; perhaps that’s why our old washer lasted so long. I can’t deny I engage in a bit of chatter with my tools too, and they seem to appreciate it, believe it or not!

Garden Chatter: You know, there’s a certain rhythm to gardening. It’s like a dance takes place between me, the soil, and Mother Nature herself. Sometimes we step on each other’s toes, but… most times, we end up working together. After all these years, we have gotten to know each other.

With that, I am off for my morning bowl of porridge and an English muffin, with honey on it, that my lovely wife has prepared for me. After that, we will have our regular morning chat over a cup of hot cocoa, and then I will head on out to the woodworking shop, and see how much more sawdust I can make. I made a pile yesterday. Sheesh!

You all have a great day and I will leave you with this: “They say city life is glamorous and exciting, but for my wife and I, there’s nothing nicer than watching the stars come out one by one on a clear, country night.”

Fishing Times for Saturday

Major Times
10:04 AM-12:04 PM
10:23 PM-12:23 AM

Minor Times
4:46 AM-5:46 AM
4:32 PM-5:32 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 2-star rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Fishing Tip of The Day: When fishing from a boat, gently tap submerged stumps or logs with your lure to mimic the sound of prey hitting the water. This sometimes attract predatory fish hiding nearby and if you’re lucky, you’ll have fish in the frying-pan come supper time! GW

Life Beyond the City Limits on April 19/2024

Good Morning! Another day in paradise, where the closest thing to rush hour is when the ATV’s line-up at the local diner for breakfast.

Walking to my shop earlier was a bit damp, as we are having some more rain. And it will rain off and on for most of the day. Tomorrow, however, we will be seeing some much-needed sunshine, which will sure be nice. Nothing like sunshine to brighten one’s day, in more ways than one.

Yesterday being so wet and cold outside, I worked the day away here at my computer, as I had a few stories for my newspaper columns that needed to be written. It seems some days the words flow easy, and yesterday was the day, so I took advantage of it. Today, I am thinking I will head on out to my old woodworking shop and get to work on making our new water wheel, for the new fishpond we dug a week ago. We couldn’t finish it, as our firewood for winter came, and we wanted to get it out of the weather so it could dry. So… that should keep my busy for the day.

Highway 522 is picking up a wee bit with each passing day. As frustrating as it may be, remember that summer traffic on Highway 522 is just a small price to pay for those nice winter days, when you had the road all to yourself, accompanied only by the gentle hum of your engine and the occasional deer watching you go by, along the roadside.

Wisdom I was taught and learned while on the farm: Where my lovely wife and I used to farm, we had a saying: ‘You can’t plow a field by turning it over in your mind.’ You have to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty if you want to see results. Why… I’ve seen folks spend more time talking about planting tomatoes than actually planting them! Sometimes you just gotta laugh and remind ’em: the only way to grow tomatoes is to stick it in the ground!

With that I am off for my morning bowl of porridge that my little woman is making for me, and will then head on out to my woodworking shop and make some sawdust, along with that new water-wheel.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this: “Living in the country is like having a permanent vacation – except instead of beaches and palm trees, we’ve got lots of trees winding-rivers and endless skies. And honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way!”

Fishing Times for Friday

Major Times
9:25 AM-11:25 AM
9:44 PM-11:44 PM

Minor Times
4:30 AM-5:30 AM
3:28 PM-4:28 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 1-star rating out of 5 for catching a few, that is if you like fishing in the rain.

Fishing Tip Of The Day: I have found that one can’t go wrong using natural bait. I use worms, insects, and small fish as bait. Learning to identify and use what nature provides… usually puts fish on the table come supper time. GW

Living Well Off the Beaten Path on April 18/2024

Good Morning! Where the only deadlines we have are set by Mother Nature herself – and let me tell ya, she’s got a way of keeping us on our toes.

In saying that statement, we are having some rain here this morning. Actually, it started around 1:00 PM yesterday and hasn’t stopped, and it will remain that way all day and into tomorrow. After that though, the sunshine should be back with us, which we are looking forward too.

On another note, my lovely wife and I did manage to get our firewood piled yesterday. It took us two and a half days to get it done, we had 13 cords or so. I have to say it was a challenge this year with it being so wet, and having to use a wheelbarrow running it on a narrow board to where we were piling it. But we got it done up just before the rain started. The weather and I have an understanding you might say, as when ever I ask it for things, like to hold off till I get things done, it does. It’s been that way now for over 70 some years.

Today, being that my wife and I are tired, and It’s raining outside, we are going to be taking it a bit easy here in the house. Just because we can.

Highway 522 has been a bit busy with mostly the locals roaming around taking in the sights. You could say it’s a normal day occurrence.

Wisdom I was taught and learned while on the farm: “In this fast-paced world we live in, folks it seems are always looking for the next big thing, the latest trend. But on the farm, we know better. We know that the old ways are still the best ways. We know that you can’t rush Mother Nature, that good things take time. So we take it slow, we take it steady, and we let the land guide us. And in the end, we come out ahead, because there’s wisdom in them fields, that is…. if you’re willing to listen.”

With that I am off for my morning bowl of porridge that my lovely wife is making for me, and will then see what the day has in store.

You all have a great day and I will leave you with this: “Life in the country is like a well-worn pair of overalls – comfortable, reliable, and just a little bit quirky. So let’s embrace the wrinkles, the frayed edges, and the occasional missing button – after all, it’s the imperfections that make us unique!”

Fishing Times for Thursday

Major Times
8:44 AM-10:44 AM
9:04 PM-11:04 PM

Minor Times
4:13 AM-5:13 AM
2:22 PM-3:22 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 1-star rating out of 5 for catching a few!

Fishing Tip Of The Day: Pay attention to signs from nature, like bird activity or water ripples, indicating where fish might be congregating. GW

Country Living at Its Finest on April 17/2024

Good Morning! Where the sun rises slow and steady, just like the way life unfolds out here in the country.

In saying that, it is a touch cloudy this morning waking up, and we could see a few showers later on in the day. After that, we are in for three more days of showers. My wife and I are hoping it holds off, as we would like to finish piling our firewood for the year. We have been making steady progress so far, and I would say we have the better part of half of it put away. It has been a challenge, though, with the ground being so wet and having to use a wheelbarrow. At any rate, today, we will give it our best and see how things work out. Truth told, I am happy I am able to be doing it this year, as last spring I couldn’t walk. What will be….. will be.

Highway 522 is picking up a wee bit traffic wise, as we have noticed a lot of new vehicles moving around. It will get busier as the weather gets nicer. Which is normal for our area this time of year.

“Highway 522’s like a breath of fresh country air—a little slower, a little sweeter, and a whole lot less exhaust fumes. I hope it stays that way, because there’s nothing like rollin’ down the windows and letting the breeze wash your worries away.”

Wisdom I grew up with living in the country: I have always said: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. But if it is broke, well, I’ll fix it when I darn well feel like it. No need to rush into things. The same goes for life in general.”

With that I am off for my morning breakfast that my lovely wife is preparing for me, and will then get to work.

You all have a great day and I will leave you with this: “They say home is where the heart is, but here in the country, home is where the critters roam free, the air smells like fresh-cut hay, and our swing creaks with the weight of a thousand memories. And if the rain holds off, we will make some more.”

Fishing Times On Wednesday

Major Times
8:00 AM-10:00 AM
8:22 PM-10:22 PM

Minor Times
3:52 AM-4:52 AM
1:16 PM-2:16 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 3-star rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck, and it might pay to bring along a raincoat if out and about.

Fishing Tip Of The Day: Fishing ain’t just about flinging lines. It’s about knowing water like it’s in your blood. Watch them ripples, feel the current’s dance, and you’ll learn more than any fancy gadget could ever teach ya. GW

Author, Writer of Fiction/Non Fiction, Columnist, Podcaster Storytelling, Woodworker, Farming, Gardening